Thank you, Tara.

So glad you enjoyed it!

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Thank you for being my supportive friend.

I did not know someone could read so promptly!

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Magnificent, as usual...

You are a most beautiful sentient and empath, head & heart.

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Lovely, wonderful, heartwarming and oh so true. I am crying today, especially today!!! Thank you for always making me FEEL!!!!

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So beautiful and touching. Grief is something everyone experiences and it never gets easier. Thanks for sharing your beautiful words

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I think of Charley in his stroller often when walking through Central Park. He was such a sweet city dog, and truly so lovable. You loved him so well!

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Your writing is amazing, Lynne. “Grief hangs around forever. Even if it grows less painful, even if the look of it changes, it’s still there.” So, so true and so beautifully expressed.

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Thank you, but now it is time to do a happy one. Deciding on what…

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This is exquisite. So beautiful.💗

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Well said and so true!

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Memorable sentiments, beautifully expressed. Sharing like-grief is indeed balm for the soul, as are your substacks. Thank you! And your title should be a meme. It's universal and so healing!


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Thank you so much!!

You are my inspiration. ❤️

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We inspire each other!

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